SD57 with the support of SOGI 123 helps educators make schools inclusive and safe for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGI). At a SOGI-inclusive school, students' gender does not limit their interests and opportunities, and their sexual orientation and how they understand and express their gender are welcomed without discrimination.
SD57 is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all students, families and employees, including those who self-identify as 2SLGBTQ+, including, but not limited to, those who identify as two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, intersex, transgender, or queer, or who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. SD57 also recognizes that students and other school community members of all sexual orientations and gender identities face
challenges within our schools and communities. It is with this rationale in mind and with an understanding that each member of the school and district community bears the responsibility for creating a safe, welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environment for all individuals that this policy is adopted.
Strategic Plan Alignment
Truth and Reconciliation:
Policy and SOGI Advisory terms of reference updated to reflect Two Spirit identities at the start of the 2SLGBTQ+ abbreviation to honour the presence of our Indigenous members.
Increase awareness of Two Spirit identities through resources
SOGI Advisory Committe includes one or two representatives from the Indigenous Education Department.
Access to a welcoming environment
Access to 2SLGBTQ+ flags and signage
Encourage the purchase of Rainbow matting in entry ways
Increase our communication with students and families while developing personalized learning supports to remove barriers for their success (GSAs, classroom lessons, staff Pro-D, parent information, Gr. 7s to connect with Secondary school GSAs prior to Grade 8).
Schools provide a sense of belonging for all students through various strategies:
SOGI inclusive resources in Library Learning Commons
Professional learning on SOGI Leadership, Intersectionality, Safe and Inclusive Schools
Work with StrongStart
Embedded SOGI education in classrooms
Review resources for literacy (SOGI related Lit Circles, read alouds, DLC kits)
Support equity in our schools with professional development.
SOGI123 Learning Burst Videos - SOGI 2 Inclusive Environments